Military Officers Association of America
Arizona State Council Surviving Spouse Liaison
My name is Sharon Douglas. I am the Arizona State Council Surviving Spouse Liaison. As a surviving spouse myself, this position is very near and dear to me.
I serve as a resource to the council regarding matters of interest to surviving spouses including legislation and benefits information. I also pass this information along to surviving spouses who request addition to my email list.
Another duty is to raise awareness of surviving spouses’ needs at the chapter, council, and national MOAA levels.
Every year there are many bills introduced in Congress that have an impact on surviving spouses. I encourage surviving spouses to participate in legislative advocacy to protect their benefits. It is very important to let our voices be heard through contacting our lawmakers. Acting together, we can make a difference, as evidenced by the recent repeal of the “widow’s tax”.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call the Suicide & Crisis Hotline at 988 for assistance 24/7.
Please contact me if you have any questions. I have also listed some links to find help and support.
Please check out the Outback Newsletter page for current information about our Surviving Spouse activities.
All the best;
Sharon Douglas
PHONE: 928-632-5939
EMAIL: [email protected]
Military Officers Association of America
Resource Links
Facebook Groups
Chapter President and Surviving Spouse, Sharon Douglas, presents award to Deborah Meade for service to U. S. Vets
Surviving Spouses and Auxiliary Ladies bi-monthly luncheon date
NACMOAA serves food provided by U.S. Vets at Stand Down
Prescott Veterans’ Day Parade – both generation